M. Céu Taveira
- Professor AssociadoInstitutionEscola de Psicologia da Universidade do Minho
Maria do Céu Taveira has been a university lecturer and researcher since 1981. Currently, she is a lecturer in the Department of Applied Psychology at the School of Psychology of the University of Minho, and an integrated member of the Research Center in Psychology (CIPsi) at the same institution.
With a PhD in Educational Psychology since 1997, she has been teaching and conducting research in the field of School Psychology and Education, with a special focus on Vocational Psychology. Her current research interests include vocational exploration, adaptation processes, success and personal career management, and the evaluation of career interventions. Throughout her academic career, she has authored numerous communications and publications in these domains. To date, she has 324 publications, including 17 books (1 international), 47 book chapters (11 international), 144 distinct scientific articles [66 (46%) indexed in JCR/JSR], and 117 chapters in conference proceedings. She has supervised 21 PhD theses and 76 successfully defended master's theses in public examinations, as well as six post-docs, seven sandwich doctoral students, and 18 scholarship holders as research assistants.
Her fundamental areas of interest include vocational development issues, particularly the study of vocational exploration processes; the design and study of career intervention processes and outcomes; and the study of careers in specific groups (e.g., women, students with learning and behavioral problems, young people under state protection, refugees, unemployed individuals).
She is a founding member and former leader of the Network of Counseling Services in Higher Education-Professional Association (RESAPES_AP), and a founding member and leader of the Portuguese Association for Career Development (www.apdc.eu). She serves as a member of the board of the Psychology Association of the University of Minho (www.apsi.uminho.pt), and a member of the Assembly of Representatives of the Portuguese Psychologists Order (https://www.ordemdospsicologos.pt/pt).
Currently, she is the coordinator of a research line on "Vocational Development and Counseling" at the Applied Research Unit on Learning, Instruction, and Career, at CIPsi. In this capacity, she co-coordinates the SUnStAR Project: Supporting University Students at Risk of Dropout (2017-1-PT01-KA203-035840), funded by the Erasmus Program of the European Union. Among other roles, she is a founding member of the Network of Psychological Counseling Services in Higher Education (RESAPES-AP) and the Portuguese Association for Career Development (APDC). She currently serves as Deputy Director of the Department of Applied Psychology at UMinho and the Psychology Association of the University of Minho (APsi-UMinho).