1. Open access | b-on Consortium
The b-on Consortium, of which the University of Minho is a member, has negotiated “transformative agreements” with several scientific journal publishers that provide discounts and exemptions on APC fees (Article Processing Charge) for the three-year period 2022-2024, offering advantages for open access publishing.
The list of publishers and journals covered by this agreement can be found on the b-on website - this information will be updated as the contracts are concluded.
Information for 2024 is already available and can be found at: https://www.b-on.pt/acesso-aberto
To speed up the discount or exemption, it is important to use UMinho’s institutional email address during the article submission process.
2. Collaboration Request Template to collect data
Researchers intending to request collaboration on surveys/questionnaires should follow the steps described in the Collaboration Request Template. Click here to access it: cipsi.uminho.pt/modelo-de-pedido-de-colaboracao
3. Available software
CIPsi offers a range of software for use by its teachers, researchers and students. Click here to access the list:
4. Forms | Expenditure Request, Equipment Request, Project Registration
5. Declarations and Reports | Research Scholarships
5.1. Declaração de Honra - Habilitações académicas (PT) | Declaration of Honor - Academic habilitations (EN)
5.2. Declaration of Honor - Conditions required for the type of scholarship
5.3. Declaration of Honor - History of scholarships
5.4. Activity Report | docUM-MOD-0055
Please note: The documents must be signed and sent in PDF format to the following email address: bolsas@psi.uminho.pt
6. CIPsi - EPsi logos | Templates
To access the CIPsi logo and the associated logo bar (EPsi / FCT / Portuguese Republic), in various formats (.png, .svg), please click here.
You can access a presentation template at this link.
(Please download the content or create a copy before editing)
7. Event Organization UMinho Spaces | Rules
The use of spaces on the campuses and buildings of the University of Minho for events must consider several points.
To view the full document, click here.
7. Event Organization UMinho Spaces | Rules
The use of spaces on the campuses and buildings of the University of Minho for events must consider several points.
To view the full document, click here.