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"Tech_Violence" - Violence Facilitated by the Use of Technology


Technological growth and breakthroughs have created new ways to develop and keep social and interpersonal relationships, offering a wide variety of digital and technological tools (e.g., text messages and through different social media, emails, cellphones or webcams). Although the use of technology has numerous benefits, digital practices and networking are also likely to constitute new media through which abusive behaviors can be practiced. Therefore, this research line aims to expand and produce research on the topic of violence facilitated by the use of technology, including different age groups (e.g., children, adolescents, young people, and adults) and in different social contexts (e.g., intimate and peer relationships, labor relations). The aim is thus to study and explore the most diverse dimensions (e.g., victimization and perpetration patterns, gender differences, impact) of the different emergent phenomena (e.g., cyber dating abuse, cyberbullying, cyber partner abuse, cyberstalking, sextortion), using quantitative and/or qualitative methodologies. In addition, and considering that the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has been identified as an important strategy to prevent violence, to support the victim and to identify the risk of occurrence of abusive offenses, this research line also aims to explore, assess and implement digital solutions/mechanisms (e.g., apps, platforms) that can help and empower interpersonal violence victims, track and reduce the risk of future violent situations, as well as train and supervise professionals in their remote support to victims. The feasibility study of these mechanisms is also needed and will be fostered in this research line. Therefore, this research line aims to contribute to the development of social and legal policies, based on empirically validated knowledge, in order to help fight cybercrime in social and interpersonal relationships.

Studies in progress:

- Cyberviolence in Adolescents' Intimate Relationships: Validation of the Cyberdating Q_A Questionnaire

Cyberviolence in Intimate Relationships: Portuguese Validation of the Brief-Pathological Narcissism Inventory

- (Cyber)Violence in Intimate Relationships and Multiple Victimization

Group Leader

Selected Projects

The main objective of this project is to identify key areas for improvement and to establish contributions and recommendations based on an…