The “Write ‘n’ Let Go 2.0” project, developed by the Psychology Research Center of the University of Minho, was recently highlighted in the media, on the Nós portal and at Rádio Univer
Márcia da-Silva, Ana Rita Pereira, Adriana Sampaio, Joana Coutinho and Alberto J.
On October 16, 2024, at 4 PM, there will be an essential roundtable discussion on Mental Health and Well-Being of University Students, organized by the UNorte Consortium (more informations).
João Tiago Oliveira, CIPsi’s researcher, gave an interview to journalist Ana Tulha for Notícias Magazine, where he discussed the concept of “aloneliness”, which refers to the lack of alone time as an emotional discomfort.
CIPsi is accepting expressions of interest from researchers who wish to apply to the 7th edition of theIndividual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus (CEEC) 2024, promoted by FCT, having CIPsi as host institution.
The expressions of interest can be submited until October 15.
The poster “The effect of response modality on witness statements when using the self-administered interview”, by student João Pedro Gomes, won the Students’ Poster Award at the European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL) Conference 2024.
Within the scope of the project “Word Prevalence in Portuguese”, developed by the Psychology Research Center of the University of Minho and approved by the Ethics Committee for Research in Social and Human Sciences: CEICSH 045-2023, we would like to ask for your collaboration in this study which aims to determine which are the best-known words among the
Grammatical gender is a key feature in many languages and varies in transparency. While in Spanish, for example, there are clear cues such as “-a” for the feminine and “-o” for the masculine, in Dutch this relationship is more opaque. This phenomenon is known as the “continuum of gender transparency”.
After successful previous conferences in the UK, New Zealand, the United States, Australia and Denmark, the 6th Variation and Language Processing Conference (VALP6) will be held at Universidade de Vigo from 26-28 June 2024.
CIPsi’s researcher Carla Martins chaired the General Assembly of the Compostela Group of Universities, which took place on June 3rd and 4th in Lima, Peru.
Maria Vale and Delfina Fernandes, Psychology doctoral students, are among the students awarded the 2024 Fulbright Grant.