The science conducted in universities ultimately aims at knowledge and societal change. In this sense, its motivation arises from life itself and should be returned to life by informing social, industrial, and political innovation and promoting individual and collective well-being. Society's appropriation of this knowledge is crucial, making the planning and development of Science Communication to various non-specialized audiences as relevant as its content, elevating it to a science in its own right. Ultimately, Science Communication serves as an instrument for the advancement of science for utilitarian, economic, and cultural reasons, as well as a democratic and ethical imperative.
Ana Seara Cardoso, Researcher and Science Manager, CIPsi, University of Minho
Daniel Ribeiro, Science Communication Manager, Interactive Technologies Institute | LARSyS
Elsa Costa e Silva, Department of Social Communication Sciences
Isabel Guimarães, Communication and Marketing, Audiovisual and Event Production
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