Portuguese validation of the TAPQoL: a health-related quality of life instrument for children aged 0–6 years
Journal Article
In Portugal, there are few generic and specific instruments to assess health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in children, especially those of preschool age. This study aimed to adapt and validate the Portuguese version of the Preschool Children Quality of Life Questionnaire (TAPQoL) in a community and clinical sample of children aged 0–6 years. The parents of 409 healthy children and 137 children undergoing treatment for burns and acute lymphoblastic leukemia completed the TAPQoL and were assessed on psychological morbidity and family functioning. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were performed, as well as analysis of the psychometric properties as shown by internal consistency measures, convergent validity, and average variance extracted. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed an 11-factor structure with good psychometric properties. The current version of the TAPQoL is a valid and reliable instrument for assessing HRQoL in Portuguese preschool children in community and clinical settings.
This study was conducted at the Psychology Research Centre (CIPsi/UM), School of Psychology, the University of Minho, supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology [Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P] (FCT) through the Portuguese State Budget (UIDB/01662/2020). The co-first authors (A.F. and M.S.) were supported by a PhD fellowship from FCT (grants number: 2020.09043.BD and SFRH/BD/148310/2019, respectively).