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Gabriela Figueiredo |
  • Investigador de Doutoramento | Bolseiro
    Universidade do Minho
    Start date

Doctorate student in Applied Psychology at Minho University. Completed the Integrated Master in Psychology at the University of Minho on July 8, 2017, having completed her thesis studying eating behaviors associated with psychological variables in participants with obesity undergoing bariatric surgery, within the scope of this integrated master's degree.Psychologist enrolled in the Professional Association of Portuguese Psychologists (OPP; Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses), held her professional internship (February 2018 to February 2019) on clinical psychology with investigation component in collaboration with Medical Psychology Unit in Medicine faculty in University of Porto. Contratualization for an investigation scholarship (CIPSI-ID-28302-BI02) within the University Self-Regulatory Research Group (GUIA; Grupo Universitário de Investigação em Autorregulação, School of Psychology, University of Minho) to work on self-regulation on eating domain project conducting online interventions (November 2019 to January 2021). Research interest on the eating domain, it´s problematic behaviors and psychological implications related with self-regulation processes.