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Maternal perception of infant’s intersubjectivity: a questionnaire

Maternal perception of infant’s intersubjectivity: a questionnaire

Carrulo, Jorge


Justo, João M. R. M.

; Figueiredo, Bárbara
| 2024 | DOI

Journal Article

Published online: 15 Jun 2022.
Introduction: Intersubjectivity is a fundamental dimension of the mother–infant relationship. Objective: Design of a questionnaire to assess maternal perception of the infant’s intersubjectivity. Design: After running a focus group with mothers of infants within their first year of life, items related to maternal perception of the infant’s intersubjectivity were generated. These items were applied to a sample of 125 mothers and the results were submitted to principal components analysis. Results: Principal components analysis (forced extraction to 3 factors, KMO = .752, Bartlett = 976.202, p = .000; explained variance = 42.12%) identified 22 items grouped in three factors: a) F1, ‘Interactive Competence’ (α = .817); b) F2, ‘Emotional States’ (α = .749), and c) F3, ‘Initiative’ (α = .647). Positive and significant correlations were observed among all MPIIQ factors (p ≤ .01). Maternal perception of infant’s intersubjectivity varied according to the number of gestational weeks at birth (T = −1.15, p ≤ .05) and according to the infant´s age (F = 7.834, p ≤ .001). Mothers of preterm infants reported lower perception of infant’s intersubjectivity whereas mothers of older infants reported higher perception of infant’s intersubjectivity. Conclusion: The Maternal Perception of Infant’s Intersubjectivity Questionnaire (MPIIQ) seems to be a sensitive instrument, able to discriminate different levels of maternal perception about the infant’s intersubjective competences.


Ano de Publicação: 2024

Editora: Taylor & Francis


ISSN: 0264-6838