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We aim to evaluate to what extent affective touch is able to modulate the electrical activity evoked by nociceptive somatosensory activation…

Investigador Responsável:Alberto Villar
Entidade Financiadora:

On going

Use a novel paradigm to measure unconscious and pre-attentive mechanisms associated with the detection of angry facial stimuli in healthy…

Investigador Responsável:Liliana Capitão
Entidade Financiadora:

On going

O Projeto Leme, financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Ref.: 2022.05618.PTDC), é da responsabilidade de uma equipa de…

Investigador Responsável:Ana Paula Soares

On going

This project aims at discerning what interventions work for specific subsets of the older adult population, the contexts under which they…

Investigador Responsável:Adriana Sampaio

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The goal of this project is to assess how the events related to the COVID-19 pandemic (e.g., lockdowns, quarantine, mandatory mask use)…

Investigador Responsável:Irene Cadime
Entidade Financiadora:

On going

The aim of this study is to examine the impact different L2 learning practices (made operative as the number of academic subjects taught in…

Investigador Responsável:Montserrat Comesaña Vila
Entidade Financiadora:

On going

The results from this project will allow us to characterize the mechanism of CT-mediated analgesia and the role of interpersonal/affective…

Investigador Responsável:Alberto Villar
Entidade Financiadora: