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Scientific Committee

Alexandra Araújo, Ana Daniela Silva, Camilo Ussene, Carlos Gonçalves, Cátia Marques, Cristina Ceinos Sanz, Cristina Costa Lobo, Feliciano Veiga, Inês Nascimento, Íris M. Oliveira, Isabel Janeiro, Joana Carneiro Pinto, José Tomás da Silva, Juan Llanes, Leandro Almeida, Liliana Faria, Lucy Leal Melo-Silva, Ludovina Ramos,  Luís Sérgio Vieira, Luísa Rodriguez Moreno, Manuel Rafael, Maria do Céu Taveira, Maria Paula Paixão, Marina Oliveira, Marisa Carvalho, Miguel Anxo Pérez, Nuria Rebollo, Paula Elias, Odília Teixeira, Paulo Cardoso, Pilar Figuera, Rodolfo Ambiel, Rufino Cano, Sílvia Monteiro. Vinicius Coscioni, Vítor Gamboa


The V Seminário Internacional de Desenvolvimento de Carreira e Aconselhamento: “Saúde, Carreira e Prosperidade numa Era de Direitos Humanos” aims to establish itself as a space for sharing and disseminating knowledge, whose content aligns with global goals for sustainable development. Thus, it is understood that academic submissions to the V International Seminar on Career Development and Counseling should be aligned with at least one of the Subthemes.

Subtheme 1: Health, Work, and Prosperity

Papers within this subtheme aim to enhance our understanding of dignified work environments and lives by exploring the intersection of health, well-being, and career development. Topics encompass various aspects such as working conditions, the impact of physical and mental health in work settings (including hybrid work environments), strategies for fostering well-being and resilience, life role management, and the promotion of adaptive work contexts that contribute to a healthy life. Through addressing these subthemes, the Seminar aims to increase awareness of the vital role of Vocational Psychology and Career Development in promoting well-being in work environments, and its interconnectedness with social and economic development. These aspects align with the Sustainable Development Goals "Quality Health" (SDG 3),"Decent Work and Economic Growth" (SDG 8), and "Reduced Inequalities" (SDG 10).

Subtheme 2: Quality Education and Training

Papers within this subtheme aim to delve into the pivotal role of Vocational Psychology and Career Development in fostering inclusive and equitable education across the lifespan. They are expected to explore innovative psychological strategies for counseling students with diverse backgrounds and competencies, helping them in building learning paths that cater totheir individual needs and encourage ongoing learning and fulfillment opportunities. 

The  topics covered may extend to the rapid changes in the job market, psychological approaches supporting career counseling, continuous learning, and the development of skills necessary to deal with challenges.  This includes addressing issues such as equal or unequal opportunities, compensation and career development, role management, and best practices in this domain. Thus, this exploration can contribute to understanding how Vocational Psychology and Career Development play an indispensable role in achieving "Quality Education" (SDG 4) and Gender Equality (SDG 5), and "Reduced Inequalities" (SDG 10), specifically by fostering inclusive and equitable education that facilitateseducational success and continuous skill development throughout life.


-> Registration Form
Seminar registration encompasses access to the scientific program, a PDF abstract book, a certificate of participation/presentation, participation in up to two workshops, inclusion of works in the  proceedings, and meals (including coffee breaks and lunch on both days).

Deadlines and registration fees:

*After November 20, 2024, and depending on available slots, it is possible to register on the day of the event, with an additional fee of €20.
**This price also covers professional interns.
Condition offered upon submission of proof.

Communication Layouts
Important Dates

June 21, 2024 (Friday): Deadline for the submission of papers (oral presentations and posters)

July 26, 2024 (Friday): Deadline for author notifications (acceptance/decline)

December 20, 2024 (Friday): Deadline for the submission of full papers

  • Papers can be submitted for oral presentations and/or posters.

  • The proposal of symposiums is the responsibility of the Organizing Committee.

  • Each author is allowed to contribute a maximum of two papers (oral and/or poster, and the papers can be presented in eithet Portuguese or English.

  • Each submission must include an abstract in both Portuguese and English (maximum of 250 words and three keywords). Please include the paper title, names, and affiliations of all authors, indicate the preferred presentation mode (oral or poster), and specify the congress subtheme.

  • Ensure that the  authors responsible for the presentation are clearly identified in the proposal. The writing style and presentation of the paper abstracts must follow APA guidelines (7th edition).

-> Submit Abstracts

-> Submit Full Paper




Layouts Comunicações
Oral Presentation Layout
Poster Presentation Layout

Note: Transfer the files to your computer (File -> Download)




Social Program

