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Iolanda Ribeiro distinguished with Ana Maria Vieira de Almeida and Maria Teresa Palha awards

On 1 October 2023, the Portuguese Association of Trisomy 21 Carriers granted the Maria Teresa Palha Award to Professor Iolanda Ribeiro, among other personalities, whose work has contributed decisively and with a particular impact on the support to children, adolescents and adults with Neurodevelopmental Disorders.

In 2023, this award aims to recognize the contributions in the fields of Education/Intervention/Research/Associations (area in which the work of Professor Iolanda Ribeiro was recognized), Neurodevelopmental Pediatrics, Neuropediatrics and Medicine, as well as Social Action.

Iolanda Ribeiro was also distinguished in the first edition of the Ana Maria Vieira de Almeida Award, created by the Vasco Vieira de Almeida Foundation, with the support of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. These entities granted the first award to the work "Arriscar a mudança. Os desafios dos modelos multinível no ensino da leitura e da escrita" (Risking change. The challenges of the multilevel models in the teaching of reading and writing), a project coordinated by Professor Maria Iolanda Ribeiro, published in co-authorship with Fernanda Leopoldina Parente Viana, Irene Maria Dias Cadime, Sandra Cristina Silva Santos, Bruna Regina Silva Rodrigues, Helena Isabel Araújo da Costa, Maria do Céu Marques Cosme, Rui Manuel Nascimento Lima Ramos and Celda Maria Gonçalves Morgado.

This award aims to celebrate the memory of Ana Maria Vieira de Almeida and intends to recognize new scientific research works and values on innovative models in the area of children pre-primary and primary education. It was handed by the jury members Vasco Vieira de Almeida, Guilherme D'Oliveira Martins, Isabel Alçada, Ana Maria Bettencourt and Maria Emília Bredero de Santos, in a ceremony that took place on 3 October at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

CIPsi congratulates Professor Iolanda Ribeiro on her awards! Her work has been admittedly crucial in the promotion of linguistic skills in children and young people.

More info:
Ana Maria Vieira de Almeida Award