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Joana Coutinho |
  • Investigador Júnior
    Centro de Investigação em Psicologia da Universidade do Minho

Joana Coutinho is a PostDoctoral Fellow at the Psychological Neuroscience Lab,a unit of CIPsi, University of Minho where she studies the neural basis of social cognition and interpersonal processes using a combination of neuroimaging and observational methods. She graduated in 2010 with a PhD in Clinical Psychology at the UM, in collaboration with the New School for Social Research in New York. She was the principal investigator of a research project funded by BIAL in a consortium with researchers from Chicago University and Ball State University. This grant led to the creation of her research group composed by 2 doctoral students,6 master students and 1 researcher. She is also a research member of 2 other funded projects from FCT and BIAL. She has 32 peer-reviewed papers being the first author in 17 of them and the last author in 5. Of these 17 were published without her PhD supervisors. She has an h index of 16 and a total of 1178 Google scholar citations, 535 in Scopus. Also published 4 book chapters and has 50 conference presentations,4 as invited speaker. In addition, she works as Adhoc reviewer in several reference journals (e.g.Psychotherapy Research; Neuroscience; Neuroimage; Journal of Affective Disorders; Neuroreport; Neuroimaging). She has 2 semester fellowships in the Beth Israel Medical Center in NY; a research fellowship in the Psychiatry Neuroimaging Lab of Harvard Medical School in Boston and an fMRI Fellowship at Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging. From 2011 to 2022 supervised 2 doctoral students, 13 master students, 5 clinical internships and was a member of the scientific committee of 1 doctoral thesis and 13 master dissertations, one from James Cook University in Singapore. Since 2006, she taught in theoretical as well as in lab-based courses of psychotherapy, psychopathology and neurosciences for master and PhD students in the School of Psychology, UM.In 2013 collaborated as a professor in the Ball State University-UM exchange program and in 2018 worked as invited teacher in the PhD program in Clinical Psychology of Portucalense University. From 2009 to 2011 was a member of the School Council of the Psychology School and is currently a member of the Scientific Council of the Psychology School as the representative of researchers. She received several awards: Student Travel Award of Society for Psychotherapy Research; António de Almeida Foundation; FCT Merit Scholarship; Academic Council of UM;Rotary Club. In her Ciência Vitae the more frequent terms that contextualize her scientific production are: Emotional empathy; Cognitive empathy; Default mode network; Depressive states; Anxiety states; Couples; Marital interaction; Physiological measures; Skin conductance; Heart rate; Cortisol; Peripersonal space; Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder; Neuroimaging; Functional MRI; Default-mode network; Functional connectivity