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Neural and psychophysiological correlates of social communication development: Evidence from sensory processing, motor, cognitive, language and emotional behavioral milestones across infancy

Neural and psychophysiological correlates of social communication development: Evidence from sensory processing, motor, cognitive, language and emotional behavioral milestones across infancy

Cruz, Sara


Lifter, Karin


Barros, Catarina


Vieira, Rita

; Sampaio, Adriana
| Routledge | 2022 | DOI

Artigo de Jornal

This article presents a literature review focusing on the neural and psychophysiological correlates associated with social communication development in infancy. Studies presenting evidence on infants' brain activity and developments in infant sensory processing, motor, cognitive, language, and emotional abilities are described in regard to the neuropsychophysiological processes underlying the emergence of these specific behavioral milestones and their associations with social communication development. Studies that consider specific age-related characteristics across the infancy period are presented. Evidence suggests that specific neural and physiological signatures accompany age-related social communication development during the first 18 months of life.
This work was supported by The Psychology for Positive Development Research Center [PSI/04375], Universidade Lusiada -Norte, Porto, supported by the Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. through national funds [UID/PSI/04375/2019], and by the Psychology Research Center [PSI/01662], University of Minho, supported by FCT and the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education [UID/PSI/01662/2019] through national funds (PIDDAC) and cofunded by FEDER through COMPETE2020 under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement [POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007653].


Ano de Publicação: 2022

Editora: Routledge


ISSN: 2162-2965