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Assessment of the health status of women in prison: a comparison between drug users versus non-users

Assessment of the health status of women in prison: a comparison between drug users versus non-users

Alves, Joana


Martinho, Gabriela

; Gonçalves, Mariana; Maia, Ângela
| SAGE | 2022 | DOI

Artigo de Jornal

First published Nov 14, 2022
This study aims to analyze the history of substances use, clinical diagnoses, contacts with healthcare, and health complaints. Also, it aims to compare the health status of substance users versus non-users. Health records of 93 detained women from a prison in northern Portugal, with a mean age of 38.02 years old, were reviewed and coded using both International Classification of Primary Care—2 and International Classification of Diseases—10th. Data revealed high percentages of detainees with a history of substance use and pre-existing clinical diagnosis. During the first month of imprisonment, on average, participants had complained to a health professional 14.63 times. Substance users were younger and presented more mental health problems and health complaints. Health policies and professional practices in prison must include immediate assessment of a woman’s health concerns and foster the development of efficient protocols to address those problems, especially substance use disorder treatment.
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This study was conducted at the Psychology Research Centre (PSI/01662), School of Psychology, University of Minho, and supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the Portuguese State Budget (UIDB/PSI/01662/2020).


Ano de Publicação: 2022

Editora: SAGE


ISSN: 0306-624X