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Ensinar e aprender português: a digital resource for learning to read and write

Ensinar e aprender português: a digital resource for learning to read and write

Ribeiro, Iolanda;

Viana, Fernanda Leopoldina


Ramos, Rui Lima

; Cadime, Irene Maria Dias;

Santos, Sandra Cristina Silva

| IATED | 2021 | DOI

Artigo Científico

In Education, the use of technological resources to support students' teaching and learning is becoming
more and more urgent. Teaching and Learning Portuguese [Ensinar e Aprender Português – EAP] is a
structured and innovative educational resource, supported by the use of Information and Communication
Technologies and based on scientific evidence. It is aimed at students (and teachers) of the four years
of primary school. It aims to: i) support the teaching/learning of reading and writing in primary school; ii)
signalize, in a timely manner, students at-risk of presenting difficulties in learning to read and write; and
iii) support the recovery of learning. This paper will present this digital resource developed for the
Portuguese context, based on the Portuguese curriculum and the legislation on inclusive education. It
is also anchored in the multilevel approach whose focus on digital transition, on screening tests and
monitoring of learning has introduced new challenges in the education system. As it is a digital resource
whose activities are self-executable and for which explanatory and corrective feedbacks are provided,
it contributes to bridge a gap in terms of digital transition which was particularly visible in a pandemic
context such as the one we are going through.
In Education, the use of technological resources to support students' teaching and learning is becoming
more and more urgent. Teaching and Learning Portuguese [Ensinar e Aprender Português – EAP] is a
structured and innovative educational resource, supported by the use of Information and Communication
Technologies and based on scientific evidence. It is aimed at students (and teachers) of the four years
of primary school. It aims to: i) support the teaching/learning of reading and writing in primary school; ii)
signalize, in a timely manner, students at-risk of presenting difficulties in learning to read and write; and
iii) support the recovery of learning. This paper will present this digital resource developed for the
Portuguese context, based on the Portuguese curriculum and the legislation on inclusive education. It
is also anchored in the multilevel approach whose focus on digital transition, on screening tests and
monitoring of learning has introduced new challenges in the education system. As it is a digital resource
whose activities are self-executable and for which explanatory and corrective feedbacks are provided,
it contributes to bridge a gap in terms of digital transition which was particularly visible in a pandemic
context such as the one we are going through.
This work was financially supported by Portuguese national funds through the FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology) within the framework of the CIEC (Research Center for Child Studies of the University of Minho) projects under the references UIDB/00317/2020 and UIDP/00317/2020.


Ano de Publicação: 2021

Editora: IATED


ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2