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Are men more resilient than women after a road traffic accident?

Are men more resilient than women after a road traffic accident?

Pires, Tânia Sofia Fernandes

; Maia, Ângela
| Taylor & Francis | 2012 | URI

Artigo Científico

Background: Men are involved on road traffic accidents (RTA) more frequently than women, but both genders can show psychological disorders. Our aim was to identify gender differences in psychological responses after a RTA.
Methods: 101 victims of serious RTA (76 male) were evaluated 5 days, 4 and 12 months after RTA. They were evaluated on Peritraumatic Dissociation, Acute Stress Disorder, PTSD, neuroticism and global psychopathology.
Findings: 13 women and 20 men reported symptoms for ASD diagnosis (t1). 17 women and 42 men at t2 and 12 women and 35 men at t3 met PTSD diagnosis. Women reported more ASD and (t1), PTSD symptoms (t2 and t3), global psychopathology (t1 and t2) and neuroticism (t2) than men.. There were no gender differences on peritraumatic dissociation.
Discussion: Overall RTA seems to have more impact on women. Health professionals should take into account this data and screen victims of RTA, especially women.


Ano de Publicação: 2012

Editora: Taylor & Francis


ISSN: 0887-0446